Can I Seamlessly Introduce Magnum P.I. Into Dungeons and Dragons?
Well folks, it’s time for a new experiment. My last experiment didn’t go so well because the control variable was compromised and I got real depressed for unrelated reasons. But this time that’s maybe not gonna happen.
So I’m starting a new Dungeons and Dragons group with some friends soon and I will play the role of dungeon master, which is fine. It’s probably gonna be a great time, hanging out, having fun, yada yada yada. But can it be better? And will I stop beggining sentences with conjunctions? Maybe and no.
I feel as though what this campaign really needs, before it even starts, is the character of Thomas Magnum. A private investigator who lives in Hawaii and drives a Ferrari, what’s not to love? I can’t think of any character in all of pop culture that would fit better in a fantasy world.
Once again we have to address the fact that my friends might read this article and see it coming. Not this time. I’m playing the long con here. This character will be inbended so deep into the story I am weaving that they won’t even realize what I have done until Magnum removes his magic mask or whatever to reveal that sweet sweet mustache.
Why am I doing this? Do I have any sort of hypothesis? Are you okay, Brendan? These are the wrong questions to be asking. I can feel y’all acting like a real Higgins right now when I need you to be a Rick or a TC.