Wonder Woman 1984 to be Released Exclusively on Laserdisc
2020 has been a difficult year for movie studios. Many studios have decided to push release dates or even release films exclusively on various streaming services. However, Warner Bros. has decided to do something a little differently with the upcoming Wonder Woman 1984. In an unprecedented move they have decided to release the film exclusively on Laserdisc. Of course this form of home entertainment hasn’t been widely used in decades so it comes as quite a surprise.
A spokesperson for Warner Bros was quoted as saying, “Look we know everyone can’t leave the house, so why not let them take this movie home to watch in safety and comfort. Now Laserdisc may seem outdated to some but you have to remember, 80’s nostalgia is at an all time high.With the movie being set in the 80’s we thought it was a no brainer.” This move really does leave one scratching their head because not many people currently own a Laserdisc player. This didn’t seem to worry anyone from Warner Bros. however.
“This is a highly anticipated film. People will have no problem dusting off that old Lasrdisc player or going out and buying a new one. We’re expecting a huge resurgence in Laserdisc from this release. In fact, next month we’re going to release all ten seasons of friends on a 30 pound box set!”